Maxim Wallcoverings
-The Art of Wall-
1. Maybank Treats Fair
2. MF3
3. Perfect Living '10
1. For the fun of it. What else to do with so much time on your hands.
2. Of course, the mooolaah ;)
3. Different kind of work experience.
4. See the world from the other end of the looking glass (sales person to consumer).
Out of all three exhibitions, I must say by far(!) the Maybank Treats Fair tops the lot. That event to be was real fun because there weren't any expectations set besides having to stand and look pretty. So the driving force to sell came from within, no external factors added :P Best of all is that I got to meet a bunch of new people, all great at what they do. First time wearing a Hanbok too. The research was fun, wearing it was a nice adventure too. But ONLY the first time. After that, it felt more like a chore.
In a word, that's what the ordeal felt like for me.
Definitely the best looking display of our product among all exhibitions. But also the most frustratingly annoying. In every possible aspect. The management. The products. The consumers. And, probably the most frus point, the lack of communication. The situation greatly affected my performance. Of course, it was cause much to my own short comings i.e. low self-esteem, competitive spirit, over emotional personality... No doubt this was totally avoidable, as it's always a choice to let something affect you or not. In retrospect, it's good that I encountered this and reacted the way I did 'cause now I know how I should behave. Lesson noted.
This weekend's Perfect Living'10 exhibition takes a close second in the ranking. This time, I still wanted to prove myself, but it wasn't my main goal. I just went with the flow, letting the money take a backseat in my priorities. So that made things more fun. But this fun was repeatedly doused with showers of cold water. Serving the customers was my high time, especially some customers who were appreciative of getting to know the product, whether they ended up buying or not. The unavoidable interaction in between with the irritatingly-irritated one wasn't pleasant though. Practically everything I did was not satisfactory, and the constant brush-outs didn't help either. It got seriously annoying because I don't know WHAT it was that made me get this kind of treatment. Is it because I got another job? Or rather WHO i got the job from? Is it because there's someone more capable to dote on? Whatever it is, the most annoying part was the level of openness to the favouritism shown. Isn't moderation key, as they say?
What's next?
Well, given the recent exhibition, that depends on whether I'm still considered a valuable aset to the company. Only time with tell ey?
Note to self: