We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Racism: Where are we taking it?

There is little doubt that racism is founded on negativity. But negativity with what focus? I feel that it is the focus on the bad committed by a few out of a greater cluster of people. In light of these few "bad apples", an idea of, again, a few that is then generalized over the other "good apples" and later instilled into the masses with little challenge.

We, as human beings, tend to remember the worst of things instead of the good that has been done or happened, especially in difficult times. It is easy for us to blame it on someone else for the difficulties we encounter. But we take it too far. What is one bad count in the face of 10 good ones? We cannot and must not forget the good that has been done by anyone towards anyone.

Then again, what weight do we give the good and the bad?

This is not a question that can be easily answered because there really is not definite answer. However, one thing is certain. Until our hearts and our minds change towards those not within our class, racism is not a practice that will dissipate in the near future. Not even close. Talk as we might, we are all racist because we all blame and judge. It is simply human nature to look out for ones own best interests. So unless we, as individuals, make the decision to focus on the good of people we are leading our generation and those of the future into a time of hate and pride and prejudices.

Is this the kind of lesson we really want our children to learn?

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