We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've always dreamed of being a world-changer.
Making an IMPACT.
I don't mean in a world renowned way like Jamie Oliver or Micheal Jackson.
To change someone's world is more than enough for me.
To know my knowledge, experiences, personality and actions can affect one to such a degree.
That would make life worth living for me.
Crazy as it sounds.

Now I'm wondering:
Was that too big a dream?
Though my dream remains the same, I find myself steering off course.
Away from the path that leads me to my goal.
Changing into a wilder, confused being.
With that, I fear I will fail and subsequently disappoint.
I've always fear that. Disappointment.

How did I get to this point?
What decisions lead me to who I am today?
It appears to me that I have made more wrongs than rights.
Is it too late for salvation? It just might be..
A knot at the pit of my stomach tells me so.
I'm in desperate need of a clean slate.
Though I know the dirt won't ever be all gone.

Tears fall.
Heart aches.
Isolated touch.
Hollow emotions.
Depressed thoughts.
Unedited words.

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