We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

everything's wrong

It's about now that im feeling the punch. The body aches, black circles, bearly-open-eyes and what have you.

And what may you ask, is causing all this? Sports Day. Which is next tuesday.. So all the marching practices are going up a notch and events are underway. Still don't see whats wrong? Well, im in the long jump event, some running events and one of the seniors in marching.

You know, it'd be fine if it was spread out over about 3 weeks, but NO! it had to be cramped into slightly over a week. Its seriously taking a tol on me. mentally, physically and emotionally. I dont even have the energy to read, yes its a bad thing.

Whats freaking me out is that my long jump event is tomorrow. In my current state, im worried i wont do my best. Ok, maybe im over reacting. It being just a stupid sports thing. But hey, im really out there for my house. And i wanna do everything i can to help us win. Im just one of those kinda people who's... i cant find the right word right now.

So just pray for me please. That tomorrow wont be scorching hot, that i'll be properly energised to perform.

Thanks a bunch :) XOXO

1 comment:

Shou said...

well... i'm reading this school...
i really think u have to take a long big sleep.. just to relax for a bit... they say that stressful ppl die fast.. hehe dont worry anyhow... GOOD LUCK GAMBATE