We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hari Muhibbah : with a kick!

Yes I know that was like 3/4 days ago but i didnt get a chance to fill all you diligent blog reader in on how it went. So, sorry..

This years' Hari Muhibbah was definately something totally different. Different contests, different performance and so on. But one things for such. It was really fun. Slightly nerve-wrecking but fun. I feel kinda bad for those who missed out on it..

So anyways, I got a chance to take part in the Mr and Miss Traditional "Fashion" contest, something i probably would have had the confidence to see myself doing a few years ago. But im glad i took part and now it doesnt matter if i do win or not. The experience was good enough for me :D

A whole bunch of my friends took part too. Elyza, Kok Siang, Alex, Soorah, Harri just to name a few. They all looked great and walked with so much confidence! Unfortunately I didnt do so well, at least i think. People said i was walking too fast, kept looking down. Guess modelling is out of the question for me :P thats okayy

I also got to know a little more about some people. It was fun, but super jacked up with lameness.

All in all, a good day. One i'll be remembering for quite sometime :D

I'll upload them pictures as soon as I can. Scouts honour! Haha

Till next time .XOXO

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