We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sucks more!

Its just totally messed up way! I cant believe how bad this day's been. Im feeling worse than i felt yesterday.

This morning's little fiasco just spelt out the rest of the day for me. Like a sign..

Sharp words totally distroyed my emotional status, in turn, messed with my head. so thats pretty bad considering my state. Then the whole first half of school was dedicated to marching practice thing. The last half, painting the green house banners. That means i didnt step foot into class the whole day. I was in the room, painting with my new friend, Rifdi, up until the time i had to go for my event. Didnt really eat anything the whole day so you can imagine my energy level.

I literally sucked like no ones business today. Uber dissapointed with myself. I know i could have done better. I guess i wasnt focusing, which is the one thing i really didnt want to happen. Plus it was HOT! And NOW, i sound like im making excuses for myself as to why i didnt perform, or maybe iv just been feeling like crap the who day. Shit laa

Could this week get any worse? I sure hope not. I dont think i can take much more of this.

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